Influence Cases: Load Case Name Options
Displays options to include or exclude specific information in the names of primary load cases generated by influence combinations.
The following primary load case name generated as an influence combination is referred to in the description below:
"3: My Label [Beam 21 End 1 SF1] [Live Load] [Freedom Case 1] (Min)"
Load Case Number
The 3: in the above case name is the load case ID used by all primary load cases; it is not specifically related to influence case generation.
If set, generated load case names include the labels of individual response variables for single-variable cases or "Multi-variable #" for multi-variable cases. The labels are defined at the attribute level (see, for example, Node Attributes: Response Variable). In the above case name, the label is My Label.
If set, generated load case names include the description of response variable types. In the above case name, the variable is [Beam 21 End 1 SF1].
Load Case Name
If set, generated load case names include the names of load cases in which the response variables reside. In the above case name, the load case name is [Live Load].
Freedom Case Name
If set, generated load case names include the names of freedom cases used to produce the load influence results. In the above case name, the freedom case name is [Freedom Case 1].
Response Type
If set, generated load case names include the type of the influence case, which can be (Max) or (Min) for single-variable cases, and (Multi Max) or (Multi Min) for multi-variable cases. In the above case name, the response type is (Min).
See Also