Straus7 Menu: Saving


Performs a save operation based on the current model.


Saves changes made to the current model.

A prompt to rename the model is given in the first save operation. Successive save operations overwrite the current model file with the latest changes.

Save As

Saves the current model to a specified name and location. The saved model becomes the current model along with its file name and file path.

Note that the previous model file is not updated with the current model.

Save Copy

Saves a copy of the current model to a different name and/or location.

Unlike Save As, the current model does not become the saved model.

This function is typically used to save progressive versions of the model while working on a master version.

Save View-only Copy

Opens the Saving: Save View-only Copy dialog, which enables the saving of a copy of the current model as a view-only file with selected options.

View-only model files have file extension .st7v. They cannot be edited and may not contain all model information.

Save Sub-model

Saves a sub-model consisting of selected entities and their attributes, load cases and freedom cases from the current model.

If an appropriate result file is open when the sub-model is created, enforced displacements, which are derived from the displacement results of the current model, are applied to all nodes along the boundary of the sub-model.

See Utility: Sub-model.

Save Deformed Copy

Saves a copy of the current model in a deformed but stress-free state.

The deformed shape is based on the specified Results: Displacement Scale.

This function is only available when an appropriate result file is open.

See Also