SOLVERS: History
Selects a set of nodes whose response at every time step or sub-step of the analysis is to be written to a text file.
This feature is applicable to the Quasi-static, Linear Transient Dynamic and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers, and can be useful in solutions with a very large number of time steps or sub-steps, of which only some are saved to the result file. The features allows for the complete history at specific nodes to be written to a text file, independently of the complete result steps saved to the solver result file.
The nodes and the required results are defined via the following columns in the grid.
The results are relative to the base.
Node numbers whose results are required.
Components of the selected results in the global XYZ system.
Result quantities that are written to the text file.
Toolbar Functions
Insert row

Inserts a new row before the highlighted cell.
Add row

Adds a new row to the end of the list.
Delete selected rows

Deletes the highlighted rows.
Text file

Enables the selection of the text file in which the results will be saved.
See Also