View Settings: Background Tab


Configures the background display of the graphical model window.


Pre-processing / Post-processing

Pre-processing applies to the model window when a results file is not open.

Post-processing applies to the model window when a results file is open.


The full file path to a user-specified image is required. Click the folder icon to open the file selection window to select an image file.

Images can be of type .jpg, .bmp or .png.

The selected image is not stored within the .ST7 file. If the specified image is not found upon opening of model, the Add image option is automatically switched off.



This is a percent scale of the image width to the width of the model window's display area. Both height and width of the image are scaled proportionally (i.e., the original aspect ratio of the image is maintained).

Enter zero here to use the original image height and width specified in the number of pixels without scaling.

The size option is not applicable to Tile and Stretch Location types.

Title label

If set, displays the title of the model at the middle-top of the model window. The title of the model can be set or edited in The NOTES tab.


If set, displays a dotted horizontal and vertical line on the model window.  These lines intersect at the mouse cursor location.

The crosshair follows the movement path of the mouse.

Load case label

If set, displays the name of the current load case or result case at the middle-bottom of the model window.

Freedom case label

If set, displays the name of the current freedom case at the middle-bottom of the model window.


Opens the Settings: Font Selection dialog to adjust the font type, size, style and colour of the displayed labels.

Common Controls

See Also