Mesh Tools: Split Beams by End Ratio


Subdivides selected beam elements into two by the specified ratio.

The orientation of the split depends on which end of the beam is selected.  If both ends are selected, the split ratio is with reference to end 1.

Attributes are interpolated for the middle node where appropriate.

This tool works similarly to the Mesh Tools: Subdivide tool, except that

  1. it only generates two elements from each split beam, and
  2. the generated elements will generally be of different length.

Similarly to Mesh Tools: Subdivide, special consideration is given to some source beam types (e.g., cable, curved pipe) based on the related options in Tool Options: Subdivide Tab.


Split Ratio

Ratio used to split the beam from the selected end.

Reassign split beam property type

If set, the split beam is assigned the specified property.

See Also