View: View Angles


Specifies the viewing angles with respect to the global axes.

The rotation angles about each of the X, Y and Z axes may be set manually, or chosen from a number of Preset Views. All angles are entered in degrees and are applied to the view in the order X followed by Y followed by Z. Successive rotations refer to the current axis orientation. For example, after rotating about X by 30 degrees, a 20 degree rotation about Y rotates the model about the current Y axis, not the original one.

This function can also be activated by pressing the F12 key on the keyboard and by clicking the View Angles cell of the status bar (Straus7 Interface: Straus7 Layout) at the bottom of the model window.


Preset Views (Front / Back / User)

Commonly used viewing angles.

These include the XY, YZ and ZX planes as well as the standard Isometric, Dimetric and Trimetric views. These views can be set in either the Front or Back viewing plane. Selecting a preset view displays the corresponding set of viewing angles.

Up to six user-defined views (i.e., View 1 to View 6) can be stored.  

Double-clicking a preset view option sets the viewing angles and closes the dialog.

View Angle X / Angle Y / Angle Z

The three viewing angles measured in degrees about the global XYZ system that describe the current display orientation of the model. These angles are set automatically when selecting a preset view, and can be set manually by entering the values. Small adjustments can be made via the up-down arrows.

The values can be saved into any of user defined views by clicking the green arrow on the corresponding row.

UCS Planes

Sets the viewing angles such that the view is aligned with the planes of the selected UCS.


If set, refits the view after angles are changed such that the entire model is visible.

If not set, viewing angles are changed without refitting the view.

Apply to all views

The option is enabled only in multiview mode.

If set, all views are updated with the specified viewing angles.

If not set, only the active view is updated.

See Also