Creep: Generalised Graham Creep


Defines creep data parameters according to the generalised Graham creep law.

This generalised expression can be used to describe the creep strain accumulation from the period of decaying creep rate, during the early stages of a creep test, to steady state or secondary conditions.

Toolbar Functions

See LAYOUTS: Creep.


C1 is the creep strain coefficient.

C2 is the creep stress index.

C3 is the first creep time index.

C4 is the second creep time coefficient.

C5 is the second creep time index.

C6 is the third creep time coefficient.

C7 is the third creep time index.

CT is the creep temperature coefficient.


Time Unit (t)

The unit of time in which the coefficients are specified.


The creep hardening rule determines whether the creep strain rate is a function of the elapsed time or the amount of creep strain.

See Metal Creep: Hardening.


This option sets whether the creep law is dependent on temperature or not.

If set, the CT parameter may be specified and the accumulation of creep strain is influenced by the nodal temperatures. The Property Temperature Dependence (see SOLVERS Home: Case Dependence tab) also needs to be assigned in the Quasi-static or Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solver to consider the creep temperature dependence.

If not set, the CT parameter(s) is not used and the creep behaviour is independent of any applied nodal temperatures.

See Also