SOLVERS Home: Fluid/Soil Parameters


The Fluid/Soil Parameters section becomes available if soil or fluid properties exist in the model.

Global Level

This is the default fluid level measured in the direction of the axis defining gravity, which is selected from the Load case defining gravity dropdown list.

This fluid level is used for soil elements that do not have their fluid level specified in Global: Stages or in Common Properties: Soil.

Mass Density

The mass per unit volume of the fluid; e.g., for freshwater, a value of 1000 kg/m3 is typically used.

Bulk Modulus

The bulk modulus of the fluid (e.g., for water, a value of 2.2E9 Pa is typically used).

Assign water density and bulk modulus

Clicking the FLUID/SOIL PARAMETERS header displays a popup menu to automatically assign the water density and bulk modulus in the current model units.

Set Undrained elements above waterline to Drained

If set, any soil element located above the water line will be assembled as Drained, even if the element's property set has assigned it as Undrained. From the stiffness matrix point of view, the difference is that the Undrained element augments the soil stiffness with the bulk modulus stiffness of the fluid, whereas the Drained element does not add any fluid related stiffness.

Load case defining gravity

Selects the load case that defines the direction and magnitude of gravity for fluid/soil calculations.

This must be a load case that has the GLOBAL INERTIA LOAD set to Gravity; it cannot be one with GLOBAL INERTIA LOAD set to Seismic, Accelerations or None.

See Also