SOLVERS: Linear Static Settings


The Linear Static solver assumes that the applied loading is static and the structure's response is linear.

A load is considered to be static if its magnitude and direction do not change with time or as the structure deforms.

For the response to be linear, the mechanical behaviour of all materials in the structure must observe Hooke's law; that is, element forces are linearly proportional to element deformation, and when the loading is removed, the material returns to its original shape.

In a linear analysis, geometric nonlinear effects are ignored, and so for the linear analysis to be valid, the deformation must be negligibly small such that the deformed geometry is indistinguishable from the undeformed one.

Settings Pane

Situated on the right of the window, it shows the following sub-tabs:


SOLVERS: Load (Linear Static and Load Influence)




SOLVERS: Results

SOLVERS: Filtering

See Also