SOLVERS: Nonlinear Static Settings


The Nonlinear Static solver determines the behaviour of structures by taking into account three main types of nonlinearity:

  1. nonlinear geometry; this accounts for structural stiffness that changes as the structure deforms, and therefore the displacement will not be proportional to the applied load;
  2. material nonlinearity; this accounts for materials that do not obey Hooke's law; and
  3. boundary nonlinearity; this accounts for contact between components or between a component and a rigid boundary.

This solver also considers staged construction analysis (Global: Stages).

This solver does not consider time-dependent effects such as inertia or damping, but does offer the option to assign a pseudo time to each load step for the purpose of using time-dependent material properties on a step by step basis.

Settings Pane

Situated on the right of the window, it shows the following sub-tabs:


SOLVERS: Load (Nonlinear Static)




SOLVERS: Results

SOLVERS: Filtering

See Also