Brick Attributes: Point Force



Assigns point forces to selected faces of brick elements using three orthogonal components and a coordinate system.

The force is positioned using either the selected coordinate system and coordinates, or using the local u-v system on each brick face.

Point force attributes are load case dependent.


Force X / Y / Z

Three orthogonal components of force vector.


Assigns an ID to the attribute.

By using different IDs, multiple forces can be applied to the same element for the same load case.

IDs are positive integers between 1 and 192.


The position of the force.

Apply multiple loads

Opens the Brick Point Force dialog to define multiple point forces at once in a spreadsheet format. See Attribute Apply Multiple Point Loads.

Coordinate System

The coordinate system (UCS) in which the components of the force and its position are defined.

The UCS is used only to define the global Cartesian components of the force. Subsequent changes to the UCS do not affect the direction or magnitude of the force.

Common Controls


Force (e.g., N, lb).

See Also