Beam Properties: Cutoff Bar


Used for the definition of cutoff bar properties.

Common Toolbar

See Properties: Common Controls.

Material Tab

Nonlinear Tab

These parameters apply only when the element is used in a material nonlinear analysis.

Max Tension

Maximum tension allowable in the cutoff bar.

Max Compression

Maximum compression allowable in the cutoff bar.

Cutoff Type

Defines the force-displacement behaviour of the element when the tension or compression limit is exceeded.

Both types specify a non-linear elastic, not plastic, behaviour.  This means that the cutoff bar will behave linearly elastic again once the axial displacement reduces below the values corresponding to the force limits.

Mass - Always Active

If set, the mass of the brittle cutoff bar is always included in the analysis, even when the force limits are exceeded.  

If not set, the mass of the brittle cutoff bar is included only when the cutoff bar has the capacity to carry load.

Damping Tab

Tables Tab

Shape Tab

See Properties: Beam Cross Section Shape.

Properties Tab

See Also