Results Graphs: Lines Tab


List of lines added to the graph.


Common Controls

Delete lines

Deletes highlighted lines from the graph.


Selects all, clears all or inverts selections cases under the Draw Line column.

Draw line

If set, the line is displayed on the graph.

If not set, the line is hidden.


Colour of the line on the graph.

Double-click the colour cell to open the colour selection dialog or edit the colour as described in Strand7 Interface: Spreadsheet.


Line label shown in the graph legend.

3D Axis

The UCS axis on which the 3D graph is drawn (see Results Graphs: 3D Graph Tab). This is the axis of UCS in which the graph segment was produced; not the currently selected UCS.


Position(s) used to extract the data points. This is read-only data.


Result case used to extract the data points. This is read-only data.

See Also