Extrude Tools: by Projection to Plane


Extrudes selected nodes, beams, plates and brick faces onto a target plane in a specified direction.

Nodes are extruded into beams or links, beams are extruded into plates, and plates or brick faces are extruded into bricks.

Projection is undertaken on a node by node basis and the result depends on both the source and how the target direction is defined, as described in Tools: Project to Plane.



The plane to which the selected entities are projected.


Single point positioning the global XY, YZ or ZX plane. If the point is zero, the plane passes through the origin of the coordinate system.

P1 / P2 / P3

Three points defining a target plane. Applicable only when 3 Points is selected under Plane. All three points must be non-zero.


Projection direction. Both positive and negative directions are considered for each case.

Common Controls

See Also