Special Topics: Solution Restart


The restart facility is available for SOLVERS: Nonlinear Static Settings, SOLVERS: Quasi-static Settings, SOLVERS: Linear Transient Dynamic Settings, SOLVERS: Nonlinear Transient Dynamic Settings and SOLVERS: Transient Heat Settings.

For the linear transient analysis and transient heat analysis, the restart procedure involves only the selection of the restart step from which to continue the previous run. The new solution will be appended to the result file immediately after the restart step. If the existing solution file contains previous results after the restart step, these will be overwritten by the new solution steps. If the restart step is the last step in the existing solution file, additional solutions steps are appended to the file. No other files are required.

To restart from a nonlinear static, quasi-static, or nonlinear transient dynamic solution, an additional file (the restart file, SRF, QRF or DRF) generated by the initial solution is required. The additional restart file is only created on request, as it can become very large; if a restart is intended, the Save restart files option needs to be set in SOLVERS: Files before the initial solution is run.

In addition to the restart, solution results can also be used as initial conditions. For example, linear static, nonlinear static and quasi-static solutions can be used as initial conditions in a linear buckling analysis. Again, the restart file must be available when using a nonlinear solution as initial conditions in another solution.

Linear Buckling Natural Frequency Linear Transient Nonlinear Static Quasi-static Nonlinear Transient Transient Heat
Initial Conditions LSA        

* Restart File is required for the Initial Conditions.

See Also