Vertex Attributes: Temperature


Assigns the temperature value and its type to selected vertices.

For the time dependent solvers, the attribute can reference a Factor vs Temperature table to define a temperature that varies with time (see Special Topics: Table Types).

When the geometry is meshed, the node created at the vertex will inherit the temperature attribute (see Node Attributes: Temperature).

Vertex temperature attributes are interpolated along edges during meshing, if the edge type is set to interpolated (see Edge Attributes: Type). They are also interpolated over an entire geometry face when all vertices on a face have a node temperature attribute assigned.

Temperature attributes are load case dependent.



See Node Attributes: Temperature for more details.


Scalar value of temperature.

Factor vs Time Table

See Node Attributes: Temperature for more details.

Common Controls


Absolute scale (K or R) or relative scale (°C or °F).

See Also