Global: Define UCS
Defines, edits and manages user coordinate systems (UCS).
UCS types may be Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical or toroidal.
All coordinate systems in Straus7 are right-handed. In a right-handed system, the first axis rotates to the second axis in an anti-clockwise direction around the positive direction of the third axis.

Creates a new UCS.
Delete UCS

Deletes the currently selected UCS, unless this is the Global XYZ coordinate system, which cannot be deleted.
Delete unused UCS

Deletes all UCS that are not referenced by any entities or attributes in the model.
Edit UCS Name

Edits the name of the currently selected UCS, unless this is the Global XYZ coordinate system, which cannot be renamed.
The name cannot be edited when the UCS is unlocked.
Lock / Unlock UCS

Toggles the locked/unlocked status of the currently selected UCS, unless this is the Global XYZ coordinate system, which cannot be unlocked.
When unlocked, a UCS can be edited to change its type or definition.
Reorder UCS

Opens the Reorder Coordinate Systems dialog (see Global: Reorder Coordinate Systems).
One of Cartesian, cylindrical, spherical or toroidal.
- Global: Define Cartesian UCS
- Global: Define Cylindrical UCS
- Global: Define Spherical UCS
- Global: Define Toroidal UCS
Retrieve P0 / P1 / P2

Enables the retrieval of coordinates from a point in the model window (points can be nodes, vertices or grid points).
Total UCS
Shows the total number of UCS in the model.
See Also