Result Settings: Group Selections Tab
Selection of groups for which results are to be calculated and displayed.
Group Tree
Tree structure showing all groups defined in the model. Active groups are marked with a yellow cube, while inactive groups are marked with a grey cube.
Results are displayed only for active groups. The range of the contour legend does not consider inactive groups.
Groups may be activated or deactivated by clicking the cube symbol to the left of the group name, or by pressing Enter or the Space bar on any focused group name. If Shift or Ctrl are pressed when activating/deactivating, only the focused group is toggled, without toggling its child groups.
Groups may be collapsed or expanded by clicking on the - / + symbols next to the group name.
Select all

Selects all groups.
Unselect all

Unselects all groups.
Invert selections

Toggles the selection state of all groups.
Common Controls
See Also