SOLVERS Home: Temperature
Sets the input method for the temperature time history used by the Quasi-static and Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers.
Load Case Data
Nodal temperatures are extracted from the load cases included in the quasi-static and nonlinear transient dynamic analysis based on the respective load factors, which are defined by time tables assigned to each load case (see SOLVERS: Load (Quasi-static) and SOLVERS: Load (Nonlinear Transient Dynamic)).
Transient Heat File
Nodal temperatures are extracted from a previously run transient heat solution file, which defines the variation and distribution of nodal temperature with time.
When the time instance in the Quasi-static or Nonlinear Transient Dynamic solvers does not match the time instance of the time steps in the transient heat solution file, the nodal temperatures are interpolated between the saved steps. Note that this may be necessary even when the quasi-static or nonlinear transient dynamic time stepping is the same as it was in the transient heat file, but not all time steps have been saved as results. If the Transient Dynamic and Quasi-static solvers run for simulated time that exceeds the saved time in the transient heat file, the last saved step in the transient heat file is used, thereby keeping the temperature constant from that time step onward.
Select file

Displays the Open File dialog to select a compatible transient heat solution file.
Reference (C)
This is the reference temperature at which the structure is regarded as stress-free when a transient heat solution file is used. This value is automatically set based on the value used in the transient heat analysis when the file is first opened, but it may be overwritten here. In either case, the reference temperature defined in CASES: Load Cases is ignored when a transient heat solution file is used.
See Also