Entity Display Settings: Beam Display


Configures the parameters associated with the display of beam elements.



Fill / Outline

The fill and outline colours of the beam elements.

Contour Type

Quantities and qualities of beam elements.

This is available when either the Fill or Outline is set to Contour.


Displays number labels of selected type next to the beam elements.

Show NRef

If set, displays all reference nodes associated with Beam3 elements. A line is drawn from the mid-point of the Beam3 element to the reference node.

To change colour, click the adjacent colour square to open the Color Selection dialog, then select or define a colour.

Show Offset Nodes

If set, draws lines connecting the ends of the offset beam to its nodes.

To change colour, click the adjacent colour square to open the Color Selection dialog, then select or define a colour.

Move to Offset

If set, draws offset beam elements in their physical offset location.

If not set, the offset is ignored and the beam is drawn at its nodal locations.

Draw Axes

If set, displays the beam principal axes in the middle of every beam element in the model.

Spring Coils

The number of coils with which spring elements are drawn.

This option is only relevant to spring elements in either Solid or Section display styles.

Note that this option is used only for display purposes and does not affect the stiffness of the spring elements.

Spring Aspect

The aspect ratio between the length of the spring element and the diameter of its coils.

The aspect ratio ranges from 5 to 50, with 5 being the widest (i.e., 5 length : 1 coil diameter) and 50 being the narrowest (i.e., 50 length : 1 coil diameter).

Round Facets

The number of facets used to render circular sections and the number of lines used to draw spring element coils.

More facets results in an improved graphical display, but slightly longer draw times.


The number of slices used to render curved or bent beam elements such as curved pipe elements or deformed beam elements in post processing mode.

Shrink (%)

Draws individual beam elements smaller than their actual size, that is, shrunk from their nodes.

The amount of shrink is specified using a percentage scale with 0% representing no shrink, and 95% representing almost fully shrunk.

Shrink only applies to the length. The cross section is not scaled.

Common Controls

See Also