
Provides access to the solvers.

The list of available solvers is located on the left of the window. For each solver, the corresponding sub-tabs containing relevant settings are located on the right of the window. A solver is selected by highlighting its name in the list, and this updates the sub-tabs on the right to those specific to the selected solver.

The solver process is launched by clicking the Solve icon located above the list of solvers. It is also possible to queue the solver process for later execution by using the Batch solver (SOLVERS: Batch Solver).

Once launched, a solver runs as a separate process inside a SOLVERS: Solver Window. The solver window provides messages and other feedback to enable the monitoring of the process and, if required, to pause or terminate the process.

The solvers produce binary result files containing the data that will be used during post-processing for results extraction and presentation. These files are opened in the model window via Straus7 Menu: Results Open/Close. The solvers also produce a log file that contains all the messages given in the solver window. The log file can be opened for viewing via Straus7 Menu: View Log File.

As the solvers run as a separate process, independently of model window, it is possible to continue working on one or more Straus7 models while the solver is running. This includes continuing to work on the model that is currently being solved. It is also possible to open for post-processing the result file that is being generated by the solver, while the solver is still running, as long as at least one result case has been saved in the file. For example, while running a nonlinear transient dynamic analysis for multiple time steps, all steps up to the currently running step are available for post-processing while the solver continues to solve for additional steps, adding these to the same result file. It allows for the results so far to be inspected before the completion of the solver process.

As each instance of the solver is a separate process, any number of solvers can be run at the same time. This could be to solve different models in parallel, or to run different solvers on the same model at the same time.

Solvers Pane

Located at the left of the window, it provides the list of available solvers for selection, together with functions to launch the solvers or to add a job to the batch list.

See SOLVERS: Solvers Pane.

Settings Pane

See Also